Why bother?
Let’s face it, you’re at school. School teachers like things done a certain way and to allocate marks, etc. These activities will help you finish your assessment task with good marks. They will also fulfil the teacher’s requirements to teach you all the different areas required by the syllabus.
Here’s the jargon:
- These activities will help develop your understanding of how multimodal texts create meaning. The activities will engage you with the various ways indigenous peoples and cultures have been represented in literary, visual, audio and multimodal texts, which will provide the inspiration or content of your composition. The exercises will also introduce you to a range of digital poems and song created for different audiences and for different purposes: to entertain, to express feelings, to tell a story, to make a social or political comment and to persuade.
More importantly, if you’re human (and I assume you are since you’re reading this), you’ll be interested in the world around you. If you’re Australian and at school, you’re probably interested in how you got here, how the people around you got here and what place you’re going to take in this amazing shared world of ours. Hopefully, doing these exercises will inspire you to give expression to what all that means to you in poetry or song.
Start with Activity 1.