The Process

What can poetry be?


Before you begin to create you own digital poem or song, reflect on what poetry can do and be. (If your school restricts access to Youtube, you may find the above video here.)


Compare the Dead Poets Society version of what poetry is to the one constructed in this extract from the TV show, The Idiot Box:


Idiot Box clip on poetry

(Watch the exchange in the bottle shop between the first two characters only.)


  • Decide what you think a poem or song can and ought to be.
  • Discuss and defend your ideas in class.


To understand how poetry can be used in a visual and multimodal context (and eventually publish your own digital poem or song), follow these links:

  • here (for information on visualised poetry and a site you can upload to)
  • here (for a selection of amazing digital/multimodal poems)

Now follow these steps in creating your digital poem or song: 10 steps.


Note: If you would like to compose the words for your digital poem or song, you might find it helpful to download the pdf file below which contains a list of poetic devices as used in the work of indigenous and non-indigenous Australian and other poets explored in this WebQuest.

(It will also help if you have to write any assignments specifically on the poetry!)

Poetic Devices in Australian Poetry.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 61.7 KB



On to Steps for Creating